Add Custom URL in My Account menu in any position in woocommerce
function misha_one_more_link( $menu_links ){
// we will hook "anyuniquetext123" later
$new = array( 'postad' => 'Post Ad' );
// or in case you need 2 links
// $new = array( 'link1' => 'Link 1', 'link2' => 'Link 2' );
// array_slice() is good when you want to add an element between the other ones
$menu_links = array_slice( $menu_links, 0, 1, true )
+ $new
+ array_slice( $menu_links, 1, NULL, true );
return $menu_links;
add_filter ( 'woocommerce_account_menu_items', 'misha_one_more_link' );
/** Add My Account Menu Links with Custom URLs **/
function misha_hook_endpoint( $url, $endpoint, $value, $permalink ){
if( $endpoint === 'postad' ) {
// ok, here is the place for your custom URL, it could be external
$url = site_url().'/post-listing/';
return $url;
add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_endpoint_url', 'misha_hook_endpoint', 10, 4 );